Tuesday 17 May 2022


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Yet another challenge to our natural rights and freedoms has emerged in the form of the proposed WHO Pandemic Treaty. The spiritual warfare continues. But the fact that our consent is being sought exposes the psychopaths’ weak spot - the fact that they KNOW their actions go against the moral code of the Universe through Natural Law. We can use that.

The WHO scenario summed up by the great folks at Northamptonshire Community Assembly:

There is an immediate threat to your freedom. They want to change international law indefinitely and bring one world government in via the back door.

On 20th May Our Government will be voting on whether to give the World Health Organisation (WHO) control and power over our health and our inalienable rights. To take individual health powers away from individual countries and the people and make them globalised (one step towards a one world government) to the extent that an individual freedoms and sovereignty become jeopardised.

What can we do about this?

Please write to your own MP

Prime Minister, boris.johnson.mp@parliament.uk

Attorney General, suella.braverman.mp@parliament.uk

TO: ARGAR, Edward dba MINISTER for HEALTH for UNITED KINGDOM PLC House of Commons London SW1A 0AA or Proper officer incumbent.  edward.argar.mp@parliament.uk

Outlining these concerns before the 20th of May.


Stating a statutory rejection notice or treason notice in which you lay out: We the people do not sanction these amendments to the International Health Regulations or the signing of the International Pandemic Preparedness Treaty / Instrument with the World Health Organisation, or the signing of the Stockholm Declaration of 2022. We will not be complicit in it and we will have lawful excuse not to abide by any laws or regulations that come from them.

Or sending a Notice from a Living Wo/Man For Example:

Notice from a Living Wo/Man

This notice does not use any private dictionaries and is written in plain simple English;


c/o Address line1,

Address Line 2,


[lowercase postcode].

Registered postage number: (if applicable)

Date: ….........................

TO: JOHNSON, Boris Alexander de Pfeifell


Or Proper officer incumbent

House of Commons

London SW1A 0AA

Notice to agent is notice to principal; notice to principal is notice to agent

Re: International Pandemic Preparedness Treaty / Instrument with the World Health Organisation, amendments to the International Health Regulations and the Stockholm Declaration of 2022.

i: master: (given name(s)), author of this notice and a living wo/man of flesh and blood native of England, hereby and henceforth forbid the signing of any documents or instruments on my behalf via any means without my explicit consent.

By: (autograph) master: (given name(s)): a living man/woman of flesh and blood Full Legal Name Beneficiary

Some more examples and information can be found from the links below:





More on the WHO treaty:


The Skyscanner map showing vaccination status requirements nation by nation:


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