Tuesday 15 June 2021


In any sane, moral society, populated in part by real, authentic males, there would have been a worldwide uprising MONTHS AGO that would have put down this Evil and tyranny in its tracks. But that’s not the kind of society we’ve got. It’s clear now that it’s going to take full genocide and massive population reduction for the ignorant masses to wake from their comatose stupors as to what's really going on … if they even do then. Nothing less is going to do it.

They've chosen it that way, and the Universe will respond. That’s how Natural Law works. Mark Passio’s been saying it for years: the level of suffering a society endures is DIRECTLY related the level of consciousness at which it’s operating.

Unfortunately, that means the few of us who DO take personal responsibility towards Truth and morality, and who DON’T deserve to have to live in these conditions, get lumped right in with the vast, overwhelming majority who do. 

And that’s why we’re now destined to spend every day of the rest of our natural lives fighting this cosmic battle of Good Vs. Evil. 

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