Friday 28 May 2021


Someone in my mailbag section last week suggested a mass co-ordinated meditation for Truth and Freedom, and it got me thinking that I'm probably the best individual to organise this given the large-scale reach I now have. 

So I want to suggest that all who feel so inclined, focus their thoughts, intention and will on the restoration of Truth, Freedom and Natural Law Justice, sending out gratitude to the Universe as if it's already a done deal and has been achieved. I'm told that this is the most effective way to manifest a desired outcome - to imagine it's already happened. And that, rather than praying for the downfall of the Covid shit show, it's more effective to focus on a bright and positive future for all - because by definition, a Covid/ NWO freak show cannot exist in such a state.

I want to hijack a neat trick from the sickos - taking something and inverting it. So their favoured number is 666, which they obviously imbue with malevolent and evil intent. That number is available for all of us, who stand for the Light, to use for ourselves, so I'm going to suggest that hundreds of thousands all mediate together on Sunday 6th June at 6pm UK time - 6/6/6! (Others overseas can join in at the appropriate time in their location.) 

Let's make history. Please share far and wide.

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