Friday 9 April 2021


Just over a year now since I put out this video, and produced my first resource leaflet giving alternative information to all the Covid propaganda coming from the mainstream media. 

Some of us have been able to see this scam for what it is right from day one, while others were a little slower on the uptake. Not saying there’s anything special about us, or seeking any kind of praise. It’s just, when you’ve been studying the tactics and the plans of the psychopthic “elites’ for some time, they do become tediously predictable in their moves, and it becomes possible to spot yet another of their scams in a heartbeat.

I poured my heart and soul into this one and it was intended as a wake-up call for normies, as I felt the need to be sounding the alarm bell from day one. While a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, and some of the information may now be outdated, overall I feel it still stands a useful resource for anyone just starting to stir from their slumbers in explaining the true nature of those that feel they have the right to control us all, and where they plan to take things. 

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