Thursday 18 June 2015


How does the prospect of sending David Cameron to jail for treason appeal?  Or how about Tony Blair?  According to a group of British constitutional experts, the framework already exists for the people of the land to go over the head of the CPS and the DPP, and bring their own prosecutions against any individual where evidence of wrongdoing exists. The facility is known as Grand Juries.

In this episode, marking the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta, we're joined first by Gordon Bowden, who has amassed 14 years' worth of forensic evidence against senior figures in the British establishment, among them David Cameron and 'Lord' Greville Janner, who hit the mainstream headlines recently by getting out of allegations of child-rape on the grounds of his 'dementia.' Gordon shares details of his evidence, revealing the great significance of a particular address in London - 788-790 Finchley Road. 

Afterwards, we hear the audio of a video posted recently by Nige Coleman, detailing the ten steps towards setting up a Grand Jury to bring prosecutions against the type of people Gordon documents, and revealing more detail of the provision that was made for these under the Magna Carta, which, say the experts, still remain in place.

Anyone interested in getting involved in the setting up of Grand Juries is urged to join the Facebook page on the subject and start interacting with others on there. You can find it at

You can also get further information on the subject from the British Constitution Group, and join if you wish -

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