Saturday 2 May 2015


As April dawned, I was midway through a family holiday at a Haven camp in Weymouth. While these are far from restful for Parveen and myself, the kids love them, and the daily on-site entertainment takes away all headaches about what to do with them. Although our 4-year-old daughter still flees in wide-eyed terror from Rory the Tiger, her 6-year-old sister surprised us by volunteering to take part in a song-and-dance routine, performed in front of a large crowd on the final night. Certainly a proud parenting moment.

We arrived home on Good Friday, with a hectic weekend awaiting. Saturday involved my regular Sound Of Now radio show on Destiny 105, broadcasting from Oxford. Although I'd attempted to keep on top of them during our time away, the amount of tunes requiring downloading and sorting upon return was truly colossal. Of everything I get sent, 90 per cent is unusable dross, but the only way to identify the 10 per cent worth keeping is to trawl through all of it. Tracks get marked according to whether they're suitable for The Sound Of Now, my Sound Of Freedom conscious music podcast, for club play, or for the bin.

I was back in the studio on Sunday afternoon for a show I'd been looking forward to for a while. Alongside co-host Danny Prince, I'd lined up another instalment of the Fish Out Of Water Cinematic Special, a show that gets special airings every once in a while. For this, we'd assembled another selection of our favourite music from movies, attempting to create a truly evocative soundscape that would make listeners want to reach for their DVD collection immediately. Danny's an original one-off when it comes to his presenting style, which I love, and he sure knows his music and films. His set got dropped entirely off vinyl, and between us we visited everything from 60s spy thrillers to 90s hip-hop dramas. You can catch the results on the links below:

Part 1:

Part 2:

On after us at 4pm were Lloyd and Elvis, aka the Sir Sambo Sound System with their reggae show. Later in the evening I linked with them again at the Blackbird Pub in Blackbird Leys, the 'hood' of Oxford. This is their regular big peoples' reggae session, and I guested to drop a few soul and hip-hop revivals into the selection. It was a lively jam with a good, loyal crowd. Lloyd captured some of the audio from the event, which is right here:

On Tuesday 7th, I guested on John B Wells' 'Caravan To Midnight' show, which broadcasts out of Dallas, Texas. I was on for the whole three hours, in both vision and audio via Skype, and a whole lot of subjects that will be making my book on the manipulations of the music industry got covered. I feel it was one of my best, and certainly most comprehensive interviews, and it generated a lot of listener feedback. You can hear the audio in two parts on the following links:

Part 2:

A few days later, the time had finally come to depart for the US to attend and speak at the Free Your Mind 3 conference. The event was billed as 'a conference on consciousness, mind control and the occult', encompassing many other aspects of truth and freedom. I slipped quietly out at 5.30am on Thursday 9th, flying first from Heathrow to Newark, getting through US Immigration surprisingly hassle-free, then heading into Manhattan. Although this was my 20th visit to New York, the most recent was in 2010. I had a few hours in town before jumping on a Greyhound Bus to Philadelphia. I had arranged to meet with Professor Griff of Public Enemy, who I was due to interview for a Good Vibrations podcast. Sadly, Griff had advised that he'd been ill and never showed, and I've since learned that he's been involved in an accident (or should that be "accident"?) but is thankfully still in one piece. My good friend the homie DJ Drastic did show, however, and we headed off to chop it up over a bite to eat. I've connected with Drastic on every visit to the Rotten Apple since 2005, and it's always good to catch up and exchange tales from both sides of the pond.

My Greyhound Bus got into Philadelphia at 9pm, at which point I got the chance to meet my good cyber-friend Ivan Oyola Jr. for the first time in the flesh. Ivan is the guy who made it happen for me to speak at Free Your Mind. As well as being an associate organiser, he's a frequent caller into Mark Passio's radio show, (where he's known as 'Ivan from Phoenix',) and we got talking via Facebook as a result. First stop was a crowded restaurant where some of the FYM crowd were eating, and I got to meet organisers and all-round great guys Bob Tuskin and John G Vibes. As travel exhaustion started to crush me, we finally headed out to Langhorne, a mass of shopping malls, fast food joints and gas stations in South East Pennysylvania. The Sheraton Bucks County Hotel was to be home to the conference (and me) for the next three days.

On Friday morning, I linked with Becky Bray from London, the only other Brit I'm aware of who had travelled out. The hotel had a lobby area with merchandise stalls, where many of the speakers and organisers were mingling with guests. Over the the weekend Becky and myself got photos with many heavyweights of the truth/ alternative scene, including Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change New York, Freeman Fly, Lenon Honor, Jeanice Barcelo and Mark Passio. In recent times, Passio has become something of a legend in the truth and freedom movement, and a huge personal inspiration for me, along with so many others. His What on Earth Is Happening radio show gets downloaded and absorbed as soon as it's available each week, (from Mark is known for exploding into spontaneous vitriolic rants on his shows, but I found him to be an amiable, pleasant and very personable guy in the flesh. 

Free Your Mind kicked off on Friday afternoon, and ran all the way through Saturday and Sunday, with packed programmes kicking off at 9am and going way beyond 11pm. Host Bob Tuskin is an intelligent and very witty guy, and did a masterful job of MCing the proceedings. The speakers covered a mindblowing wealth of subject areas, all of which provided food for further thought. Among the truly outstanding ones were those by Lenon Honor, Mark Passio, Jeanice Barcelo and Ras Ben. 

Lenon's covered parenting techniques and healthy family dynamics, many of which I need to try and put into effect myself. Jeanice's talk on birth trauma, conversely, was harrowing and made for very uncomfortable listening, but was deeply impactive. Ras Ben delivered some mindblowing dot-connecting involving America's first president Benjamin Franklin, the Hellfire Club of England, biblical prophecies and the city of Philadelphia. Mark Passio, as promised, absolutely blasted the order-followers of the police and military. Passio pointed out that these are the individuals who ultimately bear the most moral responsibility for ushering in the new world order of the dark occult controllers, as they are the ones whose actions are bringing the nightmares into physical manifestation. Without their co-operation, their masters could never get it done. We were reminded of how their owners mock them in occultic ways, too, by way of the uniforms they're made to wear, and how they're referred to with contempt as their 'pets' or 'dogs'. Mark announced a new drive known as 'Quit Your Cult' designed to encourage order-followers to leave their jobs and reclaim their soul whilst ceasing to enslave the rest of us in the process. His talk received the roaring applause and standing ovation it deserved. 

Fritz Springmeier provided the last talk of the weekend, ending on a positive note with tips on holistic health, nutrition and general well-being. The two previous nights had ended with an Open Mic Session where guests were invited to make comments or observations. A couple of hip-hop MCs took to the mic during this, a dude by the name of Saint Pete whose conspiracy-themed freestyle really blew me away, another named PTP, and a singer named Junkyard Mary. I also got handed a bunch of conscious music CDs, and some of the tracks will doubtless be making a Sound Of Freedom playlist soon!

My talk was on Sunday at noon, an hour later than expected following Ras Ben's marathon excursion. The nerves got me beforehand, but once on stage, I was very happy with how things flowed, and 70 minutes was over before I knew it. Some jokes involving Village Idiot Bush, Hellary Clinton, Jimmy So-Vile and Tony Bliar got some laughs, and the roar of applause and usual queue of people wanting to ask questions afterwards was a very encouraging sign. All the FYM3 talks were filmed, and I'll advise as soon as they're available for general viewing on Youtube.

FYM3 was everything I'd hoped it would be, and its influence stayed with me for days afterwards. It was a truly great gathering of like-minded people. Monday 13th came around all too quickly and the journey home consisted of: a lift to Langhorne station; a train to Philadelphia; a bus to Manhattan; an airport bus to JFK, (and avoiding the full-radiation body scanners, naturally!); a Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt, (the things we do to keep costs down); a (delayed) flight back to Heathrow, a bus back to Northolt and the final hour's drive home. I hauled myself out of bed in time to pick my daughter up from school.

Slavery was pretty much on the agenda for the second half of the month, as I had to make up for two and a half weeks off. I managed to put out an episode each of Good Vibrations and The Sound Of Freedom in the midst of it, however. 

GV was with the dude known as Isaac Weishaupt in the States. He's a hip-hop head-turned researcher and author, and gets into much the same stuff as me in terms of the infiltration and dark occult influence on the corporate hip-hop industry. We had a fascinating chat covering everything from initiation rituals, to mind-controlled artists, to demonic possession. You can catch the results right here:

The Sound Of Freedom Show 43 followed the usual format of music with challenging/ hard-hitting lyrics, gradually moving into more inspiring and uplifting moments. I now have a huge stockpile of new stuff to unleash in future episodes. In the meantime, the latest one can be found right here:

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