Thursday 29 August 2013


Good Vibrations returns after an enforced Summer hiatus as Mark Devlin talks with US researcher and speaker Sonia Barrett, who runs the Inner Bridge Radio and Reality Bridge Magazine portals ( 

In this far-reaching conversation she talks about the 'game' of life - the idea that each human soul represents an individual aspect of universal consciousness, having a unique set of experiences through life on earth. While some 'wake up' and remember the purpose of their life journey, many others have opted to live a life of delusion, deliberately removed from great spiritual truths.  

We talk about the need for polarities - that for love and joy to exist, there has to be evil and unhappiness - and discuss the place of the so-called 'elites' within this scenario. We also discuss personal empowerment, and each individual's ability to create for themselves the type of reality they have already chosen.

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