Monday 29 April 2013


A new 'truther' update of Billy Joel's 'We Didn't Start The Fire' specially adapted for the 21st century!

Kissinger, Brzezinski,
Greenspan, Bernanke,
Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Reptilians.

Georgia Guidestones,
Fluoride, GMOs,
Fracking, NLP, Agenda 21.

Demons, archons,
Broadcasts from Saturn,
Nibiru, solar flares,
Changing times, in the air.

Robin Cook, Kubrick,
David Kelly, John Smith,
Engineered heart attacks,
Asapartame in children's snacks.

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning since the world was turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it, but we'll try to fight it.

Adam Lanza, James Holmes,
Mind control, killer drones,
Sandy Hook, Fukushima,
Gulf Of Mexico.

Initiation rituals,
Dan Brown misinfo,
Masons, Church of Satan,
Bohemian Grove.

Jay-Z, Lil Wayne
Kanye West down the drain
Pyramids, Isis
Nimrod and Semiramis

Third eye, intuition,
Consciousness elevation,
Boston, 9/11,
Columbine, 7/7

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning since the world was turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it, but we'll try to fight it.

Drone bombs in the night,
David Icke, was he right?
George Carlin, Bill Hicks,
Watch TV and get your kicks.

Alex Jones banging fists,
Microchips under wrists,
Actors playing terrorists,
Blue skies to white mists.

TV flicker rates,
Gushing crowds for Will and Kate.
Engineered banking crash,
Cypriots lose all their cash.

Korea, Libya,
Iraq, Iran and Syria,
Engineered war and coups,
Send in the oil crews.

We didn't start the fire,
It was always burning since the world was turning,
We didn't start the fire,
No, we didn't light it, but we'll try to fight it.

Illuminati bloodlines,
Mind control, read the signs,
Safest way to not get killed,
Steer clear of the 'safety' drills.

Calcified pineal glands,
Blood on Netanyahu's hands,
Obama, Bush and Blair,
Giving children nightmares.

Radiation in the sky,
Smart meters, Wi-Fi,
Microwave your food to death,
Bathe your brain in EMF.

Oklahoma, Waco,
Frankenfoods, Monsanto
Welfare cuts, austerity,
A world of insanity!

We didn't start the fire,
It was always burning since the world was turning,
We didn't start the fire,
No, we didn't light it, but we'll try to fight it.

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