Thursday 1 November 2012


Very saddened to hear my good DJ buddy Stu Campbell lost his long battle with illness and passed away today. Only a couple of days ago Stu announced on FB that he was dying and already he's gone. It's no sugar-coated flannel when I say Stu really was one of the most selfless and friendly people you could meet in an industry not renowned for its pleasant characters. 

He had a great sense of humour and an impeccable taste in soulful music, and I have happy memories of sharing many great gigs with him. It seems he was just too good for this nasty place and it was time for him to go home ... as we all will one day. Here's to an all round great guy, finally released from his pain. Thanks for the great memories, brother, and see you on the other side. It was a great gig.

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